Burn Safety Tips
7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Summer is the time to enjoy vacations, camping, picnics and family gatherings; however, summertime also brings fires and burn injuries due to fireworks and outdoor cooking. Know how to prevent a burn while you enjoy outdoor activity this summer.
- Wear short sleeves or roll them up when cooking on the grill.
- Use long-handled barbecue tools.
- Keep a 3-foot safe zone around grills, fire pits and campfires.
- Attend public fireworks displays; this leaves the lighting to the professionals.
If you experience a burn, do the following:
- Place the burn in cool or lukewarm water for three to five minutes.
- Cover the burn with a clean, dry cloth.
- See your doctor if the burn is larger than your palm.
- Use compresses if running water isn't available.
- Don't apply ice. It can lower body temperature and cause further pain and damage.
- Don't break blisters or apply butter or ointments, which can cause infection.
The staff and crews at www.SERVPROnorthweststarkcounty.com want you, your family and friends to be safe this summer. For more information, please visit www.usfa.fema.gov.
Don’t forget if you experience a fire, water or storm damage we are available 24-hours a day at 330-497-4600.